The Power of Influencer Authenticity: Why Brands Should Think Like Instagram Creators

Be Authentic and Be Relevant are the two terms that have always been attached to anyone who wants to grow their social profile organically. The reason is very simple the more relatable content people see, the more likely it is for them to share. Share is the most important metric in the current Instagram algorithm. As social media continues to dominate the marketing landscape, brands are increasingly looking to Instagram creators for inspiration on how to build genuine relationships with their followers. The secret? Influencer authenticity. Instagram creators have built trust and communities by being genuine, brands also have to do the same to stay relevant on these platforms. In this constantly evolving social media, let’s understand why brands should think like Instagram creators.

authentic influencer marketing

1. Be Authentic and Relevant

Brands today have to be more transparent about their mission, and vision and share their brand story, and show their audience people behind your brand. Brands will have to move away from their corporate tone and show a more human approach. This will help them build trust and allow followers to relate to the brand on a deeper level. 

2. Be a Storyteller, Not a Salesperson

For a brand, storytelling could be the journey behind the products, the values your company stands for, and how your offerings make a difference in your customers’ lives. Emotional storytelling not only captures attention but also builds a strong, lasting connection. Instagram creators know that their audience doesn’t want to be sold constantly—they want stories. Selling can be integrated with some personal anecdotes or behind-the-scenes moments to keep them engaged and serve the purpose of sales as well.  For instance, Red Bull rarely shows their product on Instagram, but they’ve crafted a narrative around energy, adventure, and extreme sports. This combination of storytelling and branding creates an experience that aligns with their audience’s lifestyle.

3. Make your Brand Human

This simply means showing more normal human beings on your profile rather than the product you are offering or service you’re delivering. You’re not just a logo or the product, the brand is more than that.  Sharing employee stories, behind-the-scenes content, or even customer testimonials can help make your brand more approachable and trustworthy. People connect with people, so showing the human element behind your brand can turn your audience into loyal fans.

Think like a Creator, Grow like a Brand!

Brands will have to start thinking beyond traditional marketing and adopt how the instagram creators have risen on the platform. This will happen by being transparent, telling compelling stories, humanizing your brand, and engaging with your audience. You can foster deeper connections and create a loyal community around your brand.  By collaborating with influencers who share their values and resonate with their target audience, brands can foster trust and loyalty. At Scale Delight, we believe in the power of authentic partnerships. Let us help you harness the strength of influencer authenticity to boost your brand on Instagram. Reach out to us today and discover how our instagram advertising agency in Mumbai can transform your marketing strategy! Incorporate these strategies with good content pillars, watch your brand grow as it becomes more authentic, relatable and trustworthy. 

Hrishikesh Mishra

Hrishikesh Mishra

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